Sunday, February 21, 2016

Get Cash or have cash on hand

Everything is selling, some sales guru told me a long, long time ago.
and finally, since the Great Recession and the Fall of Banking
there is economic evolution.  This 'New Capitalism' is
selling CASH.  But, cash is no longer 'cash' - it is worldwide currency and is more of a line of credit than
a line of liquidity.

We become liquid by incorporating our best ideas
and as a writer, I've discovered that High Finance, always a hot topic, has become its own currency, as
'currency' is equated with cache.

you pull the trigger
no obligatgion.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Wasted Capital?

No MBA worth his salt will tell you to borrow money, but your accountant will.
In order to capitalize and advance, every business owner knows that negative cash flow will kick you when you are down.

Correcting this deep dive is another matter
but call me

Cash on Hand
when you need it
and not until then